Our Activities

Our Activities


  • The students are encouraged to participate in various co- curricular,    extra curricular and scientific activities.
  • Study tours are organized to strengthen Industry – Institute                  interactions.
  • Cultural, Social and Religious harmony has been maintained over     the  years through various functions.
  • Co-curricular & Extra Co-curricular
  1. Fresher Party
  2. Teacher Day
  3. Iftar Party
  4. Fare-Well Party
  5. Picnic
  6. Annual Social Gathering (Sports and cultural weeks are arranged every year)
  7. ndependence Day
  • Celebrate flag hosting ceremony at V.M. Gany Sports Complex &       Pavilion Azam Campus on Independence Day.
  • Republic Day
  • Celebrate flag hosting ceremony at V.M. Gany Sports Complex &          Pavilion Azam Campus on Republic Day.
  • Rallies
  • Our students participate in various rallies like Shiv Jayanti Rally, Dr.      B.Ambedkar Jayanti etc.

Industrial Tour

  • Industrial exposure is provided by arranging their visit to both small and large scale Pharmaceutical industries and hospitals.
  • Industrial and hospital exposure helps students to understand the subject concepts much better.



M.C.E. IOP is the place to keep both the mind and the body in perfect shape. Whether you want to play for fun or as a serious sportsman. Our Institute team actively take part in many inter and intracollege sports competition etc. Our students made MCEIOP proud by winning prizes

Guest Lecture

Guest lectures are organized and eminent personalities from Pharma industries, academician and related fields are invited to give an insight of current developments in Pharmacy for our students regularly.

Quiz Competition and Paper Poster Presentation

At MCEIOP students frequently participate in paper, poster and various other presentation competitions. the competitions provide the opportunity to showcase their kinowledge and their ability to make people understand it. take up the challenge to drive home their genuine ideas and understanding . who kows this could be their first step to fame and glory.

Workshop and Conferences

M.C.E. Society’s Institute of Pharmacy provides suitable platform to nurture and develop the best in students by conducting workshops and conferences in association with various academic and industrial experts.