


It is a constant endeavor of the management and the Institute to see that the students grow physically, mentally, intellectually and morally. The Institute has qualified experienced teaching staff to impart sound knowledge to the students.


Pharmaceutics ( Major equipment )

Tablet dissolution test apparatus., Granulating sieves, Standard sieves, Friability tester, Tablet hardness tester Capsule filling machine, Prescription balance, Water distillation equipment Clarity test apparatus., Autoclave, Incubator, Hot air sterilizer, Crimping machine, Centrifuge, Single pan balance, Refrigerator.

Pharma. Chemistry ( Major equipment )

PH Meter, Analytical balance, Photoelectric colorimeter, Polarimeter Refractometer, Distilled water unit, Digital nephelo turbidity meter.

HAP & Pharmacology ( Major equipment )

Distilled water unit,Stage micrometer, Microscope, Haemoglobinometer, Haemocytometer, Sphygmomanometer, Organ bath singleunit, Sherrington rotatingdrum machine, Telethermometer, Pole climbing appa.,Operation table, Analgesiometer Electroconvulsiometer, Refrigerator, Histamine chamber, Double unit organ bath, Actophotometer.

Biochemistry & Clinical Pathology ( Major equipment )

Colorimeter, Compound microscope, Centrifuge, Water still plant, Autoclave, Membrane filter assembly Hot air sterilizer, Incubator, Flame photometer, Vacuum pump, Magnetic stirrer, Thermostatic water bath, Refrigerator.


Fully furnished classrooms are ready with the attachment of Over-Head Projector and LCS Projector as teaching aids. All the classrooms are fitted with audio visual aids and are spacious, well lit and ventilated.

Assembly Hall and seminar hall

It has a capacity of 400.
Provides necessary facilities for various national & international conferences and workshops.
All cultural activities are hosted here.

Hostel accommodation

Hostel accommodation for both girls and boys is available in, separate well maintained buildings on the campus itself. All hostels are having high-speed Internet connectivity. The students interested in the admission to the hostel have to apply to the Haji Gulam Mohammad Azam Education Trust, immediately after their admission is completed. Admission to hostel is based upon merit.


24 hours hospital and emergency facilities are available inside the campus.


With a view to develop the all round .¬personality of the students, the Institute gives an equal importance to the extra curricular activities and co-curricular activities. The required facilities are provided to the student and staff too. V. M. Gany Sports Pavilion & a well equipped Gymkhana with facility for indoor & outdoor games athletic events are prime features of the campus.


Canteen provides healthy food and snacks at the reasonable rate. Proper cleanliness and hygiene is maintained.


Campus provides its own bus to arrange tours, excursions and industrial visits. All safety measures are taken care of during any in station or out station travelling.


Extension Counter of Muslim Cooperative Bank is located in the campus. The bank is operated during the Institute working hours and is most convenient for the students.


The library is spacious with a big reading room. It is well equipped with all the requisite textbooks, valuable reference books, journals and periodicals. Computers equipped with the Internet facility are available to all students.

Library Timings :Stack Room Timing :8.00Am to 8.00Pm, Reading Hall timing: 8.00Am to 11.00Pm

  1. Special Book Bank scheme for all students
  2. BarCoding systems
  3. Open Operating Access Computer (OPAC ) Systems
  4. A separate reading room for Boys and Girls are available.
  5. Reading room is accessible from 8.00 am to 11.00 pm.
  6. We provide book bank facilities to the students.
Minimum Volumes (No) Available
  Titles Numbers
750 adequate coverage of a large number of standard text books and titles in all disciplines of pharmacy 403 5458
75 books per year Yes Yes
06 National Journals

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research

Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

Indian Journal of Pharmacology


Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.

07 07
International Journals 03 03


Parameter   Availability

No. of Computer terminals



Hardware Specification


i3 Configuration

No of terminals of LAN/WAN



Relevant Legal Software





Peripheral(s)/ Printers, Scanners etc.



Internet Accessibility (in kbps &hrs)


135 mbps Tata Communications 24 hours free Internet and wi-fi facility


Parameter Availability
All Weather Approach Road (cemented / kuchha) Yes & Cemented
Electrical Generator (5kv, 5-10 kv, 10-15 kv, more than 20 kv) Yes
Students’ Canteen Yes
Students’ Common Room (Boys / Girls)  
Hostel Boys Yes
Girls Yes
Principal’s Quarters Available
Quarters for Faculty Available
Medical facilities (full time / part time doctor / dispensary) Available
Gymnasium /indoor / outdoor stadium Available
Bank facility Available
  Transport facility for day scholars Available
Barrier free environment for physically challenged. Available